From Fields to Fulfillment: Jack's SweetTree Story

Jack has been attending SweetTree Fields Farm since 2017, initially with Oakbridge Special Education College. Jack then began attending the service independently as a co-farmer and accesses the farm every week.

Jack has a diagnosis of autism, learning disabilities and developmental delay. He requires security and consistency is in his daily life and struggles with finite concepts and stepping out of his comfort zone. Over the years, however, he has been able to expand his horizons more and more and try new activities, almost on a weekly basis. He has found a love for gardening and quite enjoys planting bulbs. Having once been reluctant to explore the farm, Jack will now walk around the site (almost all of it), which has had a positive impact on his health, his weight, and his stamina has increased.

Conversations with Jack, historically, were limited to few words as Jack would do all the talking and become anxious at some of the words and phrases support workers would use. With consistency and the gentle pushing of boundaries, Jack welcomes more tricky subjects (if handled correctly) and is beginning to understand that some things come to an end - a concept that would have worried him greatly a few years ago. He enjoys chatting about Disney movies and cartoons that he has watched, so benefits from working with someone that is keen to listen and able to respond in a sincere manner.

Due to Jack's brilliant work at the farm, he has created lots of woodwork pieces, such as bird boxes, hedgehog houses and even a sign for Finchley Nurseries. SweetTree has helped Jack express his creativity and explore new interests. It has also become synonymous with safety and security for him, as he has the same support worker every week, which has allowed for a great two-way partnership. Trust has been built, which in turn has created room for Jack to branch out and step out of those comfort zones he made a home in. Jack often leaves the farm with a smile and waves good-bye, seemingly happy and contented from the day he has had. This used to be a rarity, so much so that Jack's mum, Judith, used to be surprised by this display of joy. Now, it is a familiar sight and has become the norm for both Judith and Jack.


Rediscovering Life: John’s Triumph Over Challenges